Maintenance, repair and operation of cars

Maintenance, repair and operation of cars



  • Organization and execution of works on maintenance and repair of road transport.

Specialty: 1201000 - "Maintenance, repair and operation of road transport"

Graduate qualifications:

  • 1201123 Mechanical Technician

120107 2 Car repair mechanic

120109 2 Transport repair master

  • 1201052 Car Service Manager
  • 1201023 Vehicle dispatcher
  • 1201113 Electromechanic

 Specialty: 07161300 "Maintenance, repair and operation of motor transport"
Qualification: 4S07161304 – "Mechanic technician"

Specialty: 07130700 "Maintenance, repair and operation of electromechanical equipment (by type and industry)"
Qualification: 4S07130704 – "Electrical technician"


The objects of professional activity are enterprises and organizations related to the management and organization of maintenance. Enterprises for the repair and operation of rolling stock of road transport, of various forms of ownership: road transport enterprises, auto repair and service stations, etc.



  • Training is carried out in a modular and dual form of training.
  • In training workshops, training is carried out on modern, professional equipment, a portable motor tester BOSCH, AutoScan, etc., as well as on work benches for testing a starter and generator, a multiplexer electronic CAN control system for a gasoline engine, a laboratory bench "Acting injection engine", an operating car model with a hybrid power plant control system, etc.
  • Final certification is carried out in the form of a diploma design for the creation of operating models and stands.
  • Participation in professional skills competitions and national World Skills championships in 3 competencies: "Repair and maintenance of passenger cars", "Maintenance and repair of diesel engines", "Body work".
  • Integrated lessons are carried out, including theoretical explanation and practical - laboratory consolidation in the training workshops of the college, classes with the involvement of specialists from production, as well as study tours and the passage of production, technological practices at the city's auto enterprises are conducted according to the schedule of the educational process.
  • Social partners in the specialty:

ТОО «Данай Актобе»

ТОО «Автодвигатель»

ТОО «Вест Моторс»

ТОО «Трансмиссия»

ТОО «Елек Лада»On October 25, as part of the Republic Day, an educational hour "Virtual excursion to the country of Kazakhstan" was held in 301 groups.
Purpose: to educate students in love for the Motherland, pride in the fact that they are Kazakhs, live in Kazakhstan, to be conscious and reasonable citizens who honor the language, culture, traditions of their native people.
Group leader: Ubayeva Moldir Abilashimovna

ТОО «Шинторг центр Актобе»

ТОО «Тойота Центр»          

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in the 402 group there was a class hour for the Republic Day. The purpose of the lesson: to deepen and expand knowledge and understanding of our Homeland. To foster love and respect for the culture, traditions and customs of our people.     curator Iztleuova A.S.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="/

" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

On October 20, on the eve of the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a class hour was held in the 202 group. The goal is to deepen knowledge about the history of the holiday, to foster love and respect for culture and traditions. Curator Turebekova A.K. 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="/

" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

 On October 25, as part of the Republic Day, an educational hour "Virtual excursion to the country of Kazakhstan" was held in 301 groups.
Purpose: to educate students in love for the Motherland, pride in the fact that they are Kazakhs, live in Kazakhstan, to be conscious and reasonable citizens who honor the language, culture, traditions of their native people.
Group leader: Ubayeva Moldir Abilashimovna

<iframe width="380" height="675" src="/

" title="&quot;Менің Отаным- Қазақстан&quot;" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

On 10/20/2023, students of 101 groups were given an educational hour on the theme "My Homeland is Kazakhstan", dedicated to the Republic Day. Purpose: to teach the younger generation to love the Motherland, to honor the symbols of our country, to be proud of the fact that this is a rich and powerful country, to instill love for their native country, land, to instill a sense of love. Curator of 101 groups: Izbaskhanova B. E.

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