Teacher psychologist

Жұмажанова Ырысалды Данияровна

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Psychological service

The purpose of the psychological service in college is to maintain the psychological health of students, create a favorable socio-psychological environment, and provide psychological support to participants in the educational process. The psychological service includes a teacher-psychologist, a teacher-organizer, a teacher-sociologist and leaders of study groups.

The task of psychological service in college:

- Creation of a psychological environment for successful learning and development of a person, as well as his socialization and professional development;

- Creating conditions for strengthening mutual understanding and interaction between subjects of the educational process;

- development of personal interests and needs that influence the formation of students as socially significant individuals;

- Formation of a healthy lifestyle among students, teachers and parents and carrying out preventive work.

Main areas of work:

- Psychodiagnostic direction;

- Psychoprophylactic direction;

- Psychocorrectional direction;

- Consulting;

- Improving psychological knowledge.

Stages of work of the psychological service:

- Planning the work of psychological services;

- Work with members of the teaching staff;

- Monitoring of the adaptation period;

- Prevention of difficulties that arise at different age periods;

- Assistance to young professionals;

- Work with parents;


Teacher psychologist: Жумажанова Ы.Д.

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